Our goal is to expand our conversations & actions to encompass the concerns & challenges faced by women in Wisconsin.

We examine intersections within the fight for equality through communication, education, advocacy, and connections;
combating racial inequalities, socio-economic inequalities and gender-identity inequalities, to name a few.

For the allies among us, we listen carefully and are a source of mindful alliance.


Women's Equality Day

Every year we celebrate the anniversary of the 19th amendment, marking the successful fight for women's right to vote. Understand more about this historic occasion and your chance to be a part of the future movement!

Policy Institute

Our annual training program prepares a group of women from the community for a life of public engagement. From media training to authoring legislation, our participants graduate with skills needed to become leaders in their community.

Mentorship Program

We pair college students and women early in career with women who have gained significant professional experience for a year-long program aimed at building connections, growing confidence, and gaining new perspectives.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead


Our mission is driven by strong women who seek to improve the community around them. The names and faces behind each initiative, meeting, or group are fueled with a joy and passion for making the Wisconsin a better place for women and girls. 



Get Involved


From our regular Feminism on Tap gatherings to our Women’s Equality Day event, find an event near you!


Apply to be a part of one of our amazing programs, such as our policy institute or our mentorship program.


Your gift of treasury makes all of our programs and events possible. Take the first step to show your support!


If you'd like to read more about what we accomplished in 2023, read our Annual Report!

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Follow us on Facebook & Instagram!