The Wisconsin Women's Network Policy Institute
Since 2012, the Wisconsin Women’s Network has been committed to increasing the number of Wisconsin women who have the confidence, skills, and strategic knowledge to successfully engage in their local and statewide communities on policy issues that matter to Wisconsin's women and girls. During this time, we have trained over 200 Wisconsin women through our Policy Institute and Accelerated Policy Institute programming.
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Visit our Policy Institute FAQ page for more details about the 2024-25 Policy Institute.
The Wisconsin Women’s Network Policy Institute provides hands-on leadership, communications, and policy advocacy training to 25-30 women from around the state every year. The Institute provides intensive intersectional advocacy and leadership training for women with the potential to actively advocate for the advancement of women and girls in Wisconsin. Applications are welcome from women from all sectors and backgrounds, including individuals working or volunteering in nonprofit organizations, academia, philanthropy, labor unions, and government.
The Wisconsin Women’s Network is committed to training women who represent all segments of Wisconsin’s diverse population. Women of diverse socioeconomic, educational, LGBTQ+, racial, ethnic, generational, and geographic backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply! It is the policy of the Wisconsin Women’s Network to ensure equal opportunity without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, national origin, or any other characteristic of identity or background. Residency in the state of Wisconsin is required for participation in the Policy Institute.
The Policy Institute is committed to increasing the number of Wisconsin women who have the confidence, skills, and strategic knowledge to successfully engage in their local and statewide communities on policy issues that matter to Wisconsin women and girls.
Through a series of four two-day retreats in Madison, participants are organized into small teams which select a specific, real-world policy advocacy project that closely relates to the Institute’s mission of improving women’s health, safety, and economic security. Through specific trainings provided to the group, participants form and develop the skills to develop, drive, and advocate for policy changes, focusing those skills for future advocacy, and learning how to apply those skills within their own organizations and communities once the Institute’s formal training has concluded. Most important, they make real change in the process and may impact state legislation during the four month course. Participants get hands-on assistance and coaching from experienced mentors. Participants must commit to attending all days of all four retreats.
The Wisconsin Women’s Policy Institute Provides Hands-On Training:
In-depth, behind-the-scenes lessons on how state-level legislative & biennial budget processes really work;
Presentations and discussions about bias in policy-making and the challenges and opportunities surrounding advocacy for women’s health, economic security, and safety;
Hands-on experiences building support to advance a real-world proposal through the legislature;
Training and real life experiences testifying at legislative and local hearings as well as meetings with elected officials;
Lessons and tips for engaging in local level policy advocacy;
Practice and feedback on effectively engaging the media on issues; and
Extensive networking skills and opportunities.
When participants graduate from the Institute they are able to take what they’ve learned back to their communities and organizations where they will continue to engage in policy advocacy and educational efforts that advance the status of women and girls in our state.
“I am so happy we made this investment in our staff. Our staff described this experience as not only transformational, but something with an immediate impact on their daily work. I appreciate the thoughtful dedication to teaching, networking and requiring active participation. You are truly creating powerful leaders in our community.
Special thanks to all of our generous donors who make the Policy Institute possible, including the Evjue Foundation, TASC, UW Health, and the Women’s Fund of Greater Milwaukee for your grant contributions to the 2024 Policy Institute.
Policy Topics:
Banning Unconscious Pelvic Exams without Written and Verbal Consent
Minor’s Authority to Consent to Healthcare
Paid Family Leave Insurance
Lead Testing and Remediation
Tax Exemption for Diapers, Tampons, and Personal Hygiene Products
Prohibiting Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Expression
Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women
Banning Unconscious Pelvic Exams Without Written and Verbal Consent
Pay Equity
Extend Substance Use Coverage for Postpartum Women
Missing and Murdered Tribal Women
Paid Family Leave Insurance
Pay Equity
Extend Substance Abuse Coverage for Postpartum Women
Banning the shackling of pregnant inmates
Supporting School Breakfast Programs
Ensuring Safe Harbor for Child Victims of Human Trafficking
Providing Teen Dating Violence Education in Schools
Allowing a One-year Dispense of Birth Control
Teen Dating Violence
Eliminate Lunch Shaming
Paid Parental Leave for School-related Events
Protect Pregnant & Postpartum Inmates
Foreclosure Protection for Tenants
Pay Equity
Emergency assistance and homelessness prevention
Lead poisoning mitigation
Dating violence curriculum for WI schools
Medicaid coverage for Doula care
WI Well Women Program
Address confidentiality program for victims of sexual assault (PASSED INTO LAW in 2016!)
Homestead tax credit, making housing affordable for low-moderate income residents
Breastfeeding accommodations in the workplace
Access to local, healthy food options for Wisconsin residents
“SO MUCH! Gained confidence in public speaking and advocacy. Learned advocacy tools and ways to best drive your issue forward. And the incredible experience of sisterhood. Learned so much from everyone and truly appreciated everyone’s ability to be vulnerable and share their true selves because it allowed me to see there is so much power in that.” -2024 graduate sharing what she gained from the Policy Institute
In March 2023, Policy Institute participants visited the Capitol and conducted 24 legislative visits advocating for policies that affect women and girls living in our state! At the final retreat in April, Policy Institute participants testified in mock hearings at the Capitol, showcasing the oral advocacy skills they developed during the four-month course.
The 2019-2020 participants visited offices in the Capitol to advocate on behalf of starting a task force to look into Missing and Murdered Tribal Women. In July 2020, launched by Attorney General Josh Kaul, the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Task Force was announced to help fight the abduction, homicide, violence, and trafficking of Indigenous women in Wisconsin.
“Sisterhood; New friends; Confidence in myself and my ability to do this work; Resolve to make the path easier for my daughter and granddaughters.” -Linda Garcia Barnard, Milwaukee
The 2016-17 participants visited the Capitol where they met with 31 legislative offices and dropped off their policy issue one-pagers at another 37 offices. A great day of advocating for women and girls in the state capitol!
The 2015-16 participants visited offices in the capitol to advocate on behalf of the Address Confidentiality bill ending in a bipartisan group 18 senators and 41 representatives signing on as co-authors, the eventual passing of the bill, and the creation of an Address Confidentiality Program in Wisconsin.
If you'd like to read more about what we accomplished in 2023, read our Annual Report!
"I am involved with the Wisconsin Women's Network because WWN's Policy Institute is a shining example of women empowering women, a unique and powerful program that gives women the skills they need to tackle real problems in their communities and in Wisconsin."
"I have gained so many friendships, sisters and connections! I am forever grateful to the Wisconsin Women's Network Policy Institute for believing in women and investing in them, and for opening the door for a girl who didn't even know there was a damn hallway..."
"More than anything, the Institute has taught me that the policy world is accessible to me. I am able to, as a citizen, go be influential in any given issue, that i don't need any special credentials. that's the message I'm going to pass along to friends: you can learn it, you can do it."